Boating in Canada News

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3 September 2007

Proposed Federal Regulations to Restrict Boating

Transport Canada has proposed new Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations following the revised Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (CSA 2001), which came into effect July 1. Minister of Transport Lawrence Cannon said, "The new restrictions included in the proposed regulations will maintain the safety of navigation, both commercial and recreational, by restricting the type or speed of vessels that may use the various waterways." The proposed regulations would restrict specified boating areas, restrict mode of propulsion, limit maximum engine power or speed, prohibit recreational towing and water-skiing, and specify areas requiring permits for on-water events.

The proposal was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, August 18. You must comment within 30 days. Transport Canada will publish the final regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part II, at which time they will come into effect. More information: Canadian Marine Advisory Council:

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